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0345 850 0195
Opayo Product Support:
0191 313 0299
If you would like to use the fraud prevention tools that are available on your account you will first need to activate these within your MyOpayo account.
You are then able to add rules to your account to automatically review transactions processed on your account, and accept or reject these transactions based upon the results of the rules.
Before doing this however you will first need to log into your MyOpayo area. Also you must make sure the user you are logging into MyOpayo has the administration privileges to do so.
Now that you have activated AVS/CV2 you are able to add rules to your account. By selecting add rule within your MyOpayo you are able to add conditions to your account based upon the results of the AVS/CV2 checks.
Once you have selected add rule you will then be presented with the add a new AVS/CV2 rule screen.
This screen will allow you to add a start value, and end value to the rule and then add the restrictions to the rule.
Within this screen you are presented with 4 options when adding rules to your account.
You are free to select as many, or as few of these options as you see fit.
Each option that is selected will allow transactions that meet the criteria to be successful.
If the transaction does not meet the requirements of the rules that have been set, the transaction will be rejected and appear on your account as a failed transaction.
Now that you have added one rule to your account you are able to have more.
In order to add multiple rules to your account you simply need to complete the same steps as above.
When adding another rule you cannot have the start, or end values overlapping in any form.
Multiple rules are used when you would like additional security over multiple price ranges.
This also enables you to vary the levels of security depending on the price ranges you wish to implement.
(Sole trader, or partnership with 3 or less partners)
(All other customers)
(Multi-national customers)
(Opayo gateway only)